
Get access to the raw input data for the last parsed frame. This gives you a direct look (and write access) to the frame body data. Together with the raw header, you can reconstruct the whole raw MPEG stream without junk and meta data, or play games by actually modifying the frame body data before decoding this frame (mpg123_framebyframe_decode()). A more sane use would be to use this for CRC checking (see mpg123_info() and MPG123_CRC), the first two bytes of the body make up the CRC16 checksum, if present. You can provide NULL for a parameter pointer when you are not interested in the value.

\param mh handle \param header the 4-byte MPEG header \param bodydata pointer to the frame body stored in the handle (without the header) \param bodybytes size of frame body in bytes (without the header) \return MPG123_OK if there was a yet un-decoded frame to get the data from, MPG123_BAD_HANDLE or MPG123_ERR otherwise (without further explanation, the error state of the mpg123_handle is not modified by this function).

alias da_mpg123_framedata = int function(
uint* header
ubyte** bodydata
size_t* bodybytes
