1 module derelict.mpg123.libmpg123;
3 private {
4     import derelict.util.loader;
5     import derelict.util.system;
6     import derelict.util.exception;
8     static if(Derelict_OS_Windows)
9         enum libNames = "libmpg123-0.dll";
10     else static if(Derelict_OS_Linux)
11         enum libNames = "libmpg123.so";
12     else
13         static assert(0, "Add libmpg123 library name for your platform.");
14 }
16 /** \file fmt123.h Audio format definitions. */
18 /** \defgroup mpg123_enc mpg123 PCM sample encodings
19 *  These are definitions for audio formats used by libmpg123 and
20 *  libout123.
21 *
22 * @{
23 */
25 /** An enum over all sample types possibly known to mpg123.
26 *  The values are designed as bit flags to allow bitmasking for encoding
27 *  families.
28 *  This is also why the enum is not used as type for actual encoding variables,
29 *  plain integers (at least 16 bit, 15 bit being used) cover the possible
30 *  combinations of these flags.
31 *
32 *  Note that (your build of) libmpg123 does not necessarily support all these.
33 *  Usually, you can expect the 8bit encodings and signed 16 bit.
34 *  Also 32bit float will be usual beginning with mpg123-1.7.0 .
35 *  What you should bear in mind is that (SSE, etc) optimized routines may be
36 *  absent for some formats. We do have SSE for 16, 32 bit and float, though.
37 *  24 bit integer is done via postprocessing of 32 bit output -- just cutting
38 *  the last byte, no rounding, even. If you want better, do it yourself.
39 *
40 *  All formats are in native byte order. If you need different endinaness, you
41 *  can simply postprocess the output buffers (libmpg123 wouldn't do anything
42 * else). The macro MPG123_SAMPLESIZE() can be helpful there.
43 */
44 enum mpg123_enc_enum
45 {
46     /* 0000 0000 0000 1111 Some 8 bit  integer encoding. */
47 	MPG123_ENC_8      = 0x00f
48         /* 0000 0000 0100 0000 Some 16 bit integer encoding. */
49         ,	MPG123_ENC_16     = 0x040
50         /* 0100 0000 0000 0000 Some 24 bit integer encoding. */
51         ,	MPG123_ENC_24     = 0x4000 
52         /* 0000 0001 0000 0000 Some 32 bit integer encoding. */
53         ,	MPG123_ENC_32     = 0x100  
54         /* 0000 0000 1000 0000 Some signed integer encoding. */
55         ,	MPG123_ENC_SIGNED = 0x080  
56         /* 0000 1110 0000 0000 Some float encoding. */
57         ,	MPG123_ENC_FLOAT  = 0xe00  
58         /* 0000 0000 1101 0000 signed 16 bit */
59         ,	MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16   = (MPG123_ENC_16|MPG123_ENC_SIGNED|0x10)
60         /* 0000 0000 0110 0000 unsigned 16 bit */
61         ,	MPG123_ENC_UNSIGNED_16 = (MPG123_ENC_16|0x20)
62         /* 0000 0000 0000 0001 unsigned 8 bit */
63         ,	MPG123_ENC_UNSIGNED_8  = 0x01
64         /* 0000 0000 1000 0010 signed 8 bit */
65         ,	MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_8    = (MPG123_ENC_SIGNED|0x02)
66         /* 0000 0000 0000 0100 ulaw 8 bit */
67         ,	MPG123_ENC_ULAW_8      = 0x04
68         /* 0000 0000 0000 1000 alaw 8 bit */
69         ,	MPG123_ENC_ALAW_8      = 0x08
70         /* 0001 0001 1000 0000 signed 32 bit */
71         ,	MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_32   = MPG123_ENC_32|MPG123_ENC_SIGNED|0x1000
72         /* 0010 0001 0000 0000 unsigned 32 bit */
73         ,	MPG123_ENC_UNSIGNED_32 = MPG123_ENC_32|0x2000
74         /* 0101 0000 1000 0000 signed 24 bit */
75         ,	MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_24   = MPG123_ENC_24|MPG123_ENC_SIGNED|0x1000
76         /* 0110 0000 0000 0000 unsigned 24 bit */
77         ,	MPG123_ENC_UNSIGNED_24 = MPG123_ENC_24|0x2000
78         /* 0000 0010 0000 0000 32bit float */
79         ,	MPG123_ENC_FLOAT_32    = 0x200
80         /* 0000 0100 0000 0000 64bit float */
81         ,	MPG123_ENC_FLOAT_64    = 0x400
82         /* Any possibly known encoding from the list above. */
83         ,	MPG123_ENC_ANY = ( MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16  | MPG123_ENC_UNSIGNED_16
84                                | MPG123_ENC_UNSIGNED_8 | MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_8
85                               | MPG123_ENC_ULAW_8     | MPG123_ENC_ALAW_8
86                               | MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_32  | MPG123_ENC_UNSIGNED_32
87                               | MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_24  | MPG123_ENC_UNSIGNED_24
88                               | MPG123_ENC_FLOAT_32   | MPG123_ENC_FLOAT_64    )
89 }
91 /** Get size of one PCM sample with given encoding.
92 *  This is included both in libmpg123 and libout123. Both offer
93 *  an API function to provide the macro results from library
94 *  compile-time, not that of you application. This most likely
95 *  does not matter as I do not expect any fresh PCM sample
96 *  encoding to appear. But who knows? Perhaps the encoding type
97 *  will be abused for funny things in future, not even plain PCM.
98 *  And, by the way: Thomas really likes the ?: operator.
99 * \param enc the encoding (mpg123_enc_enum value)
100 * \return size of one sample in bytes
101 */
103 int MPG123_SAMPLESIZE(int enc) {
104     return (enc) & mpg123_enc_enum.MPG123_ENC_8
105         ?	1
106         :	( (enc) & mpg123_enc_enum.MPG123_ENC_16
107               ?	2
108              :	( (enc) & mpg123_enc_enum.MPG123_ENC_24
109                   ?	3
110                  :	( (  (enc) & mpg123_enc_enum.MPG123_ENC_32
111                          || (enc) == mpg123_enc_enum.MPG123_ENC_FLOAT_32 )
112                       ?	4
113                      :	( (enc) == mpg123_enc_enum.MPG123_ENC_FLOAT_64
114                           ?	8
115                          :	0
116                          )	)	)	);
118 }
120 /** Structure defining an audio format.
121 *  Providing the members as individual function arguments to define a certain
122 *  output format is easy enough. This struct makes is more comfortable to deal
123 *  with a list of formats.
124 *  Negative values for the members might be used to communicate use of default
125 *  values.
126 */
127 struct mpg123_fmt_struct
128 {
129 	int rate;    /**< sampling rate in Hz  */
130 	int channels; /**< channel count */
131 	/** encoding code, can be single value or bitwise or of members of
132     *  mpg123_enc_enum */
133 	int encoding;
134 }
136 /* @} */
138 /** \file mpg123.h The header file for the libmpg123 MPEG Audio decoder */
140 /** A macro to check at compile time which set of API functions to expect.
141 * This should be incremented at least each time a new symbol is added
142 * to the header.
143 */
144 enum MPG123_API_VERSION  = 42;
146 alias off_t = ptrdiff_t;
147 alias ssize_t = ptrdiff_t;
149 //#include <stdlib.h>
150 //#include <sys/types.h>
152 /* Simplified large file handling.
153 I used to have a check here that prevents building for a library with conflicting large file setup
154 (application that uses 32 bit offsets with library that uses 64 bits).
155 While that was perfectly fine in an environment where there is one incarnation of the library,
156 it hurt GNU/Linux and Solaris systems with multilib where the distribution fails to provide the
157 correct header matching the 32 bit library (where large files need explicit support) or
158 the 64 bit library (where there is no distinction).
160 New approach: When the app defines _FILE_OFFSET_BITS, it wants non-default large file support,
161 and thus functions with added suffix (mpg123_open_64).
162 Any mismatch will be caught at link time because of the _FILE_OFFSET_BITS setting used when
163 building libmpg123. Plus, there's dual mode large file support in mpg123 since 1.12 now.
164 Link failure is not the expected outcome of any half-sane usage anymore.
166 More complication: What about client code defining _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE? It might want direct access to the _64 functions, along with the ones without suffix. Well, that's possible now via defining MPG123_NO_LARGENAME and MPG123_LARGESUFFIX, respectively, for disabling or enforcing the suffix names.
167 */
169 /*
170 Now, the renaming of large file aware functions.
171 By default, it appends underscore _FILE_OFFSET_BITS (so, mpg123_seek_64 for mpg123_seek), if _FILE_OFFSET_BITS is defined. You can force a different suffix via MPG123_LARGESUFFIX (that must include the underscore), or you can just disable the whole mess by defining MPG123_NO_LARGENAME.
172 */
173 /+
174 #if (!defined MPG123_NO_LARGENAME) && ((defined _FILE_OFFSET_BITS) || (defined MPG123_LARGESUFFIX))
176 /* Need some trickery to concatenate the value(s) of the given macro(s). */
177 #define MPG123_MACROCAT_REALLY(a, b) a ## b
178 #define MPG123_MACROCAT(a, b) MPG123_MACROCAT_REALLY(a, b)
179 #ifndef MPG123_LARGESUFFIX
181 #endif
182 #define MPG123_LARGENAME(func) MPG123_MACROCAT(func, MPG123_LARGESUFFIX)
184 #define mpg123_open         MPG123_LARGENAME(mpg123_open)
185 #define mpg123_open_fd      MPG123_LARGENAME(mpg123_open_fd)
186 #define mpg123_open_handle  MPG123_LARGENAME(mpg123_open_handle)
187 #define mpg123_framebyframe_decode MPG123_LARGENAME(mpg123_framebyframe_decode)
188 #define mpg123_decode_frame MPG123_LARGENAME(mpg123_decode_frame)
189 #define mpg123_tell         MPG123_LARGENAME(mpg123_tell)
190 #define mpg123_tellframe    MPG123_LARGENAME(mpg123_tellframe)
191 #define mpg123_tell_stream  MPG123_LARGENAME(mpg123_tell_stream)
192 #define mpg123_seek         MPG123_LARGENAME(mpg123_seek)
193 #define mpg123_feedseek     MPG123_LARGENAME(mpg123_feedseek)
194 #define mpg123_seek_frame   MPG123_LARGENAME(mpg123_seek_frame)
195 #define mpg123_timeframe    MPG123_LARGENAME(mpg123_timeframe)
196 #define mpg123_index        MPG123_LARGENAME(mpg123_index)
197 #define mpg123_set_index    MPG123_LARGENAME(mpg123_set_index)
198 #define mpg123_position     MPG123_LARGENAME(mpg123_position)
199 #define mpg123_length       MPG123_LARGENAME(mpg123_length)
200 #define mpg123_framelength  MPG123_LARGENAME(mpg123_framelength)
201 #define mpg123_set_filesize MPG123_LARGENAME(mpg123_set_filesize)
202 #define mpg123_replace_reader MPG123_LARGENAME(mpg123_replace_reader)
203 #define mpg123_replace_reader_handle MPG123_LARGENAME(mpg123_replace_reader_handle)
204 #define mpg123_framepos MPG123_LARGENAME(mpg123_framepos)
206 #endif /* largefile hackery */
208 #endif /* MPG123_NO_CONFIGURE */
209 +/
211 extern(C) {
213     /** \defgroup mpg123_init mpg123 library and handle setup
214     *
215     * Functions to initialise and shutdown the mpg123 library and handles.
216     * The parameters of handles have workable defaults, you only have to tune them when you want to tune something;-)
217     * Tip: Use a RVA setting...
218     *
219     * @{
220     */
222     /** Opaque structure for the libmpg123 decoder handle. */
223     //struct mpg123_handle_struct;
224     struct mpg123_handle;
226     /** Opaque structure for the libmpg123 decoder handle.
227     *  Most functions take a pointer to a mpg123_handle as first argument and operate on its data in an object-oriented manner.
228     */
229     //typedef struct mpg123_handle_struct mpg123_handle;
231     /** Function to initialise the mpg123 library. 
232     *	This function is not thread-safe. Call it exactly once per process, before any other (possibly threaded) work with the library.
233     *
234     *	\return MPG123_OK if successful, otherwise an error number.
235     */
236     alias da_mpg123_init = int function();
238     /** Function to close down the mpg123 library. 
239     *	This function is not thread-safe. Call it exactly once per process, before any other (possibly threaded) work with the library. */
240     //void mpg123_exit();
241     alias da_mpg123_exit = void function();
243     /** Create a handle with optional choice of decoder (named by a string, see mpg123_decoders() or mpg123_supported_decoders()).
244     *  and optional retrieval of an error code to feed to mpg123_plain_strerror().
245     *  Optional means: Any of or both the parameters may be NULL.
246     *
247     *  \param decoder optional choice of decoder variant (NULL for default)
248     *  \param error optional address to store error codes
249     *  \return Non-NULL pointer to fresh handle when successful.
250     */
251     //mpg123_handle *mpg123_new(const char* decoder, int *error);
252     alias da_mpg123_new = mpg123_handle * function(const char* decoder, int *error);
254     /** Delete handle, mh is either a valid mpg123 handle or NULL.
255     *  \param mh handle
256     */
257     //void mpg123_delete(mpg123_handle *mh);
258     alias da_mpg123_delete = void function(mpg123_handle *mh);
260     /** Enumeration of the parameters types that it is possible to set/get. */
261     enum mpg123_parms
262     {
263         MPG123_VERBOSE = 0,        /**< set verbosity value for enabling messages to stderr, >= 0 makes sense (integer) */
264         MPG123_FLAGS,          /**< set all flags, p.ex val = MPG123_GAPLESS|MPG123_MONO_MIX (integer) */
265         MPG123_ADD_FLAGS,      /**< add some flags (integer) */
266         MPG123_FORCE_RATE,     /**< when value > 0, force output rate to that value (integer) */
267         MPG123_DOWN_SAMPLE,    /**< 0=native rate, 1=half rate, 2=quarter rate (integer) */
268         MPG123_RVA,            /**< one of the RVA choices above (integer) */
269         MPG123_DOWNSPEED,      /**< play a frame N times (integer) */
270         MPG123_UPSPEED,        /**< play every Nth frame (integer) */
271         MPG123_START_FRAME,    /**< start with this frame (skip frames before that, integer) */ 
272         MPG123_DECODE_FRAMES,  /**< decode only this number of frames (integer) */
273         MPG123_ICY_INTERVAL,   /**< stream contains ICY metadata with this interval (integer) */
274         MPG123_OUTSCALE,       /**< the scale for output samples (amplitude - integer or float according to mpg123 output format, normally integer) */
275         MPG123_TIMEOUT,        /**< timeout for reading from a stream (not supported on win32, integer) */
276         MPG123_REMOVE_FLAGS,   /**< remove some flags (inverse of MPG123_ADD_FLAGS, integer) */
277         MPG123_RESYNC_LIMIT,   /**< Try resync on frame parsing for that many bytes or until end of stream (<0 ... integer). This can enlarge the limit for skipping junk on beginning, too (but not reduce it).  */
278         MPG123_INDEX_SIZE      /**< Set the frame index size (if supported). Values <0 mean that the index is allowed to grow dynamically in these steps (in positive direction, of course) -- Use this when you really want a full index with every individual frame. */
279             ,MPG123_PREFRAMES /**< Decode/ignore that many frames in advance for layer 3. This is needed to fill bit reservoir after seeking, for example (but also at least one frame in advance is needed to have all "normal" data for layer 3). Give a positive integer value, please.*/
280             ,MPG123_FEEDPOOL  /**< For feeder mode, keep that many buffers in a pool to avoid frequent malloc/free. The pool is allocated on mpg123_open_feed(). If you change this parameter afterwards, you can trigger growth and shrinkage during decoding. The default value could change any time. If you care about this, then set it. (integer) */
281             ,MPG123_FEEDBUFFER /**< Minimal size of one internal feeder buffer, again, the default value is subject to change. (integer) */
282     }
284     /** Flag bits for MPG123_FLAGS, use the usual binary or to combine. */
285     enum mpg123_param_flags
286     {
287         MPG123_FORCE_MONO   = 0x7  /**<     0111 Force some mono mode: This is a test bitmask for seeing if any mono forcing is active. */
288             ,MPG123_MONO_LEFT    = 0x1  /**<     0001 Force playback of left channel only.  */
289             ,MPG123_MONO_RIGHT   = 0x2  /**<     0010 Force playback of right channel only. */
290             ,MPG123_MONO_MIX     = 0x4  /**<     0100 Force playback of mixed mono.         */
291             ,MPG123_FORCE_STEREO = 0x8  /**<     1000 Force stereo output.                  */
292             ,MPG123_FORCE_8BIT   = 0x10 /**< 00010000 Force 8bit formats.                   */
293             ,MPG123_QUIET        = 0x20 /**< 00100000 Suppress any printouts (overrules verbose).                    */
294             ,MPG123_GAPLESS      = 0x40 /**< 01000000 Enable gapless decoding (default on if libmpg123 has support). */
295             ,MPG123_NO_RESYNC    = 0x80 /**< 10000000 Disable resync stream after error.                             */
296             ,MPG123_SEEKBUFFER   = 0x100 /**< 000100000000 Enable small buffer on non-seekable streams to allow some peek-ahead (for better MPEG sync). */
297             ,MPG123_FUZZY        = 0x200 /**< 001000000000 Enable fuzzy seeks (guessing byte offsets or using approximate seek points from Xing TOC) */
298             ,MPG123_FORCE_FLOAT  = 0x400 /**< 010000000000 Force floating point output (32 or 64 bits depends on mpg123 internal precision). */
299             ,MPG123_PLAIN_ID3TEXT = 0x800 /**< 100000000000 Do not translate ID3 text data to UTF-8. ID3 strings will contain the raw text data, with the first byte containing the ID3 encoding code. */
300             ,MPG123_IGNORE_STREAMLENGTH = 0x1000 /**< 1000000000000 Ignore any stream length information contained in the stream, which can be contained in a 'TLEN' frame of an ID3v2 tag or a Xing tag */
301             ,MPG123_SKIP_ID3V2 = 0x2000 /**< 10 0000 0000 0000 Do not parse ID3v2 tags, just skip them. */
302             ,MPG123_IGNORE_INFOFRAME = 0x4000 /**< 100 0000 0000 0000 Do not parse the LAME/Xing info frame, treat it as normal MPEG data. */
303             ,MPG123_AUTO_RESAMPLE = 0x8000 /**< 1000 0000 0000 0000 Allow automatic internal resampling of any kind (default on if supported). Especially when going lowlevel with replacing output buffer, you might want to unset this flag. Setting MPG123_DOWNSAMPLE or MPG123_FORCE_RATE will override this. */
304             ,MPG123_PICTURE = 0x10000 /**< 17th bit: Enable storage of pictures from tags (ID3v2 APIC). */
305     }
307     /** choices for MPG123_RVA */
308     enum mpg123_param_rva
309     {
310         MPG123_RVA_OFF   = 0 /**< RVA disabled (default).   */
311             ,MPG123_RVA_MIX   = 1 /**< Use mix/track/radio gain. */
312             ,MPG123_RVA_ALBUM = 2 /**< Use album/audiophile gain */
313             ,MPG123_RVA_MAX   = MPG123_RVA_ALBUM /**< The maximum RVA code, may increase in future. */
314     }
316     /** Set a specific parameter, for a specific mpg123_handle, using a parameter 
317     *  type key chosen from the mpg123_parms enumeration, to the specified value.
318     *  \param mh handle
319     *  \param type parameter choice
320     *  \param value integer value
321     *  \param fvalue floating point value
322     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
323     */
324     //int mpg123_param( mpg123_handle *mh
325     //                                ,	mpg123_parms type, long value, double fvalue );
326     alias da_mpg123_param = int function( mpg123_handle *mh
327                       ,	mpg123_parms type, long value, double fvalue );
329     /** Get a specific parameter, for a specific mpg123_handle. 
330     *  See the mpg123_parms enumeration for a list of available parameters.
331     *  \param mh handle
332     *  \param type parameter choice
333     *  \param value integer value return address
334     *  \param fvalue floating point value return address
335     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
336     */
337     //int mpg123_getparam( mpg123_handle *mh
338     //                                   ,	mpg123_parms type, long *value, double *fvalue );
339     alias da_mpg123_getparam = int function( mpg123_handle *mh
340                          ,	mpg123_parms type, long *value, double *fvalue );
342     /** Feature set available for query with mpg123_feature. */
343     enum mpg123_feature_set
344     {
345         MPG123_FEATURE_ABI_UTF8OPEN = 0     /**< mpg123 expects path names to be given in UTF-8 encoding instead of plain native. */
346             ,MPG123_FEATURE_OUTPUT_8BIT          /**< 8bit output   */
347             ,MPG123_FEATURE_OUTPUT_16BIT         /**< 16bit output  */
348             ,MPG123_FEATURE_OUTPUT_32BIT         /**< 32bit output  */
349             ,MPG123_FEATURE_INDEX                /**< support for building a frame index for accurate seeking */
350             ,MPG123_FEATURE_PARSE_ID3V2          /**< id3v2 parsing */
351             ,MPG123_FEATURE_DECODE_LAYER1        /**< mpeg layer-1 decoder enabled */
352             ,MPG123_FEATURE_DECODE_LAYER2        /**< mpeg layer-2 decoder enabled */
353             ,MPG123_FEATURE_DECODE_LAYER3        /**< mpeg layer-3 decoder enabled */
354             ,MPG123_FEATURE_DECODE_ACCURATE      /**< accurate decoder rounding    */
355             ,MPG123_FEATURE_DECODE_DOWNSAMPLE    /**< downsample (sample omit)     */
356             ,MPG123_FEATURE_DECODE_NTOM          /**< flexible rate decoding       */
357             ,MPG123_FEATURE_PARSE_ICY            /**< ICY support                  */
358             ,MPG123_FEATURE_TIMEOUT_READ         /**< Reader with timeout (network). */
359             ,MPG123_FEATURE_EQUALIZER            /**< tunable equalizer */
360     }
362     /** Query libmpg123 features.
363     *  \param key feature selection
364     *  \return 1 for success, 0 for unimplemented functions
365     */
366     //int mpg123_feature(const mpg123_feature_set key);
367     alias da_mpg123_feature = int function(const mpg123_feature_set key);
369     /* @} */
372     /** \defgroup mpg123_error mpg123 error handling
373     *
374     * Functions to get text version of the error numbers and an enumeration
375     * of the error codes returned by libmpg123.
376     *
377     * Most functions operating on a mpg123_handle simply return MPG123_OK (0)
378     * on success and MPG123_ERR (-1) on failure, setting the internal error
379     * variable of the handle to the specific error code. If there was not a valid
380     * (non-NULL) handle provided to a function operating on one, MPG123_BAD_HANDLE
381     * may be returned if this can not be confused with a valid positive return
382     * value.
383     * Meaning: A function expected to return positive integers on success will
384     * always indicate error or a special condition by returning a negative one.
385     *
386     * Decoding/seek functions may also return message codes MPG123_DONE,
387     * MPG123_NEW_FORMAT and MPG123_NEED_MORE (all negative, see below on how to
388     * react). Note that calls to those can be nested, so generally watch out
389     * for these codes after initial handle setup.
390     * Especially any function that needs information about the current stream
391     * to work will try to at least parse the beginning if that did not happen
392     * yet.
393     *
394     * On a function that is supposed to return MPG123_OK on success and
395     * MPG123_ERR on failure, make sure you check for != MPG123_OK, not
396     * == MPG123_ERR, as the error code could get more specific in future,
397     * or there is just a special message from a decoding routine as indicated
398     * above.
399     *
400     * @{
401     */
403     /** Enumeration of the message and error codes and returned by libmpg123 functions. */
404     alias mpg123_errors = int;
405     enum
406     {
407         MPG123_DONE=-12,	/**< Message: Track ended. Stop decoding. */
408         MPG123_NEW_FORMAT=-11,	/**< Message: Output format will be different on next call. Note that some libmpg123 versions between 1.4.3 and 1.8.0 insist on you calling mpg123_getformat() after getting this message code. Newer verisons behave like advertised: You have the chance to call mpg123_getformat(), but you can also just continue decoding and get your data. */
409         MPG123_NEED_MORE=-10,	/**< Message: For feed reader: "Feed me more!" (call mpg123_feed() or mpg123_decode() with some new input data). */
410         MPG123_ERR=-1,			/**< Generic Error */
411         MPG123_OK=0, 			/**< Success */
412         MPG123_BAD_OUTFORMAT, 	/**< Unable to set up output format! */
413         MPG123_BAD_CHANNEL,		/**< Invalid channel number specified. */
414         MPG123_BAD_RATE,		/**< Invalid sample rate specified.  */
415         MPG123_ERR_16TO8TABLE,	/**< Unable to allocate memory for 16 to 8 converter table! */
416         MPG123_BAD_PARAM,		/**< Bad parameter id! */
417         MPG123_BAD_BUFFER,		/**< Bad buffer given -- invalid pointer or too small size. */
418         MPG123_OUT_OF_MEM,		/**< Out of memory -- some malloc() failed. */
419         MPG123_NOT_INITIALIZED,	/**< You didn't initialize the library! */
420         MPG123_BAD_DECODER,		/**< Invalid decoder choice. */
421         MPG123_BAD_HANDLE,		/**< Invalid mpg123 handle. */
422         MPG123_NO_BUFFERS,		/**< Unable to initialize frame buffers (out of memory?). */
423         MPG123_BAD_RVA,			/**< Invalid RVA mode. */
424         MPG123_NO_GAPLESS,		/**< This build doesn't support gapless decoding. */
425         MPG123_NO_SPACE,		/**< Not enough buffer space. */
426         MPG123_BAD_TYPES,		/**< Incompatible numeric data types. */
427         MPG123_BAD_BAND,		/**< Bad equalizer band. */
428         MPG123_ERR_NULL,		/**< Null pointer given where valid storage address needed. */
429         MPG123_ERR_READER,		/**< Error reading the stream. */
430         MPG123_NO_SEEK_FROM_END,/**< Cannot seek from end (end is not known). */
431         MPG123_BAD_WHENCE,		/**< Invalid 'whence' for seek function.*/
432         MPG123_NO_TIMEOUT,		/**< Build does not support stream timeouts. */
433         MPG123_BAD_FILE,		/**< File access error. */
434         MPG123_NO_SEEK,			/**< Seek not supported by stream. */
435         MPG123_NO_READER,		/**< No stream opened. */
436         MPG123_BAD_PARS,		/**< Bad parameter handle. */
437         MPG123_BAD_INDEX_PAR,	/**< Bad parameters to mpg123_index() and mpg123_set_index() */
438         MPG123_OUT_OF_SYNC,	/**< Lost track in bytestream and did not try to resync. */
439         MPG123_RESYNC_FAIL,	/**< Resync failed to find valid MPEG data. */
440         MPG123_NO_8BIT,	/**< No 8bit encoding possible. */
441         MPG123_BAD_ALIGN,	/**< Stack aligmnent error */
442         MPG123_NULL_BUFFER,	/**< NULL input buffer with non-zero size... */
443         MPG123_NO_RELSEEK,	/**< Relative seek not possible (screwed up file offset) */
444         MPG123_NULL_POINTER, /**< You gave a null pointer somewhere where you shouldn't have. */
445         MPG123_BAD_KEY,	/**< Bad key value given. */
446         MPG123_NO_INDEX,	/**< No frame index in this build. */
447         MPG123_INDEX_FAIL,	/**< Something with frame index went wrong. */
448         MPG123_BAD_DECODER_SETUP,	/**< Something prevents a proper decoder setup */
449         MPG123_MISSING_FEATURE  /**< This feature has not been built into libmpg123. */
450             ,MPG123_BAD_VALUE /**< A bad value has been given, somewhere. */
451             ,MPG123_LSEEK_FAILED /**< Low-level seek failed. */
452             ,MPG123_BAD_CUSTOM_IO /**< Custom I/O not prepared. */
453             ,MPG123_LFS_OVERFLOW /**< Offset value overflow during translation of large file API calls -- your client program cannot handle that large file. */
454             ,MPG123_INT_OVERFLOW /**< Some integer overflow. */
455     }
457     /** Look up error strings given integer code.
458     *  \param errcode integer error code
459     *  \return string describing what that error error code means
460     */
461     //const (char)* mpg123_plain_strerror(int errcode);
462     alias da_mpg123_plain_strerror = const (char)* function(int errcode);
464     /** Give string describing what error has occured in the context of handle mh.
465     *  When a function operating on an mpg123 handle returns MPG123_ERR, you should check for the actual reason via
466     *  char *errmsg = mpg123_strerror(mh)
467     *  This function will catch mh == NULL and return the message for MPG123_BAD_HANDLE.
468     *  \param mh handle
469     *  \return error message
470     */
471     //const (char)* mpg123_strerror(mpg123_handle *mh);
472     alias da_mpg123_strerror = const (char)* function(mpg123_handle *mh);
474     /** Return the plain errcode intead of a string.
475     *  \param mh handle
476     *  \return error code recorded in handle or MPG123_BAD_HANDLE
477     */
478     //int mpg123_errcode(mpg123_handle *mh);
479     alias da_mpg123_errcode = int function(mpg123_handle *mh);
481     /*@}*/
484     /** \defgroup mpg123_decoder mpg123 decoder selection
485     *
486     * Functions to list and select the available decoders.
487     * Perhaps the most prominent feature of mpg123: You have several (optimized) decoders to choose from (on x86 and PPC (MacOS) systems, that is).
488     *
489     * @{
490     */
492     /** Get available decoder list.
493     *  \return NULL-terminated array of generally available decoder names (plain 8bit ASCII)
494     */
495     //const (char) **mpg123_decoders();
496     alias da_mpg123_decoders = const (char) **function();
498     /** Get supported decoder list.
499     *  \return NULL-terminated array of the decoders supported by the CPU (plain 8bit ASCII)
500     */
501     //const (char) **mpg123_supported_decoders();
502     alias da_mpg123_supported_decoders = const (char) **function();
504     /** Set the active decoder.
505     *  \param mh handle
506     *  \param decoder_name name of decoder
507     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
508     */
509     //int mpg123_decoder(mpg123_handle *mh, const char* decoder_name);
510     alias da_mpg123_decoder = int function(mpg123_handle *mh, const char* decoder_name);
512     /** Get the currently active decoder name.
513     *  The active decoder engine can vary depening on output constraints,
514     *  mostly non-resampling, integer output is accelerated via 3DNow & Co. but for
515     *  other modes a fallback engine kicks in.
516     *  Note that this can return a decoder that is only active in the hidden and not
517     *  available as decoder choice from the outside.
518     *  \param mh handle
519     *  \return The decoder name or NULL on error.
520     */
521     //const (char)* mpg123_current_decoder(mpg123_handle *mh);
522     alias da_mpg123_current_decoder = const (char)* function(mpg123_handle *mh);
524     /*@}*/
527     /** \defgroup mpg123_output mpg123 output audio format 
528     *
529     * Functions to get and select the format of the decoded audio.
530     *
531     * Before you dive in, please be warned that you might get confused by this. This seems to happen a lot, therefore I am trying to explain in advance.
532     *
533     * The mpg123 library decides what output format to use when encountering the first frame in a stream, or actually any frame that is still valid but differs from the frames before in the prompted output format. At such a deciding point, an internal table of allowed encodings, sampling rates and channel setups is consulted. According to this table, an output format is chosen and the decoding engine set up accordingly (including ptimized routines for different output formats). This might seem unusual but it just follows from the non-existence of "MPEG audio files" with defined overall properties. There are streams, streams are concatenations of (semi) independent frames. We store streams on disk and call them "MPEG audio files", but that does not change their nature as the decoder is concerned (the LAME/Xing header for gapless decoding makes things interesting again).
534     *
535     * To get to the point: What you do with mpg123_format() and friends is to fill the internal table of allowed formats before it is used. That includes removing support for some formats or adding your forced sample rate (see MPG123_FORCE_RATE) that will be used with the crude internal resampler. Also keep in mind that the sample encoding is just a question of choice -- the MPEG frames do only indicate their native sampling rate and channel count. If you want to decode to integer or float samples, 8 or 16 bit ... that is your decision. In a "clean" world, libmpg123 would always decode to 32 bit float and let you handle any sample conversion. But there are optimized routines that work faster by directly decoding to the desired encoding / accuracy. We prefer efficiency over conceptual tidyness.
536     *
537     * People often start out thinking that mpg123_format() should change the actual decoding format on the fly. That is wrong. It only has effect on the next natural change of output format, when libmpg123 will consult its format table again. To make life easier, you might want to call mpg123_format_none() before any thing else and then just allow one desired encoding and a limited set of sample rates / channel choices that you actually intend to deal with. You can force libmpg123 to decode everything to 44100 KHz, stereo, 16 bit integer ... it will duplicate mono channels and even do resampling if needed (unless that feature is disabled in the build, same with some encodings). But I have to stress that the resampling of libmpg123 is very crude and doesn't even contain any kind of "proper" interpolation.
538     *
539     * In any case, watch out for MPG123_NEW_FORMAT as return message from decoding routines and call mpg123_getformat() to get the currently active output format.
540     *
541     * @{
542     */
544     /** They can be combined into one number (3) to indicate mono and stereo... */
545     enum mpg123_channelcount
546     {
547         MPG123_MONO   = 1 /**< mono */
548         ,MPG123_STEREO = 2 /**< stereo */
549     };
551     /** An array of supported standard sample rates
552     *  These are possible native sample rates of MPEG audio files.
553     *  You can still force mpg123 to resample to a different one, but by default you will only get audio in one of these samplings.
554     *  \param list Store a pointer to the sample rates array there.
555     *  \param number Store the number of sample rates there. */
556     //void mpg123_rates(const long **list, size_t *number);
557     alias da_mpg123_rates = void function(const long **list, size_t *number);
559     /** An array of supported audio encodings.
560     *  An audio encoding is one of the fully qualified members of mpg123_enc_enum (MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16, not MPG123_SIGNED).
561     *  \param list Store a pointer to the encodings array there.
562     *  \param number Store the number of encodings there. */
563     //void mpg123_encodings(const int **list, size_t *number);
564     alias da_mpg123_encodings = void function(const int **list, size_t *number);
566     /** Return the size (in bytes) of one mono sample of the named encoding.
567     * \param encoding The encoding value to analyze.
568     * \return positive size of encoding in bytes, 0 on invalid encoding. */
569     //int mpg123_encsize(int encoding);
570     alias da_mpg123_encsize = int function(int encoding);
572     /** Configure a mpg123 handle to accept no output format at all, 
573     *  use before specifying supported formats with mpg123_format
574     *  \param mh handle
575     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
576     */
577     //int mpg123_format_none(mpg123_handle *mh);
578     alias da_mpg123_format_none = int function(mpg123_handle *mh);
580     /** Configure mpg123 handle to accept all formats 
581     *  (also any custom rate you may set) -- this is default.
582     *  \param mh handle
583     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
584     */
585     //int mpg123_format_all(mpg123_handle *mh);
586     alias da_mpg123_format_all = int function(mpg123_handle *mh);
588     /** Set the audio format support of a mpg123_handle in detail:
589     *  \param mh handle
590     *  \param rate The sample rate value (in Hertz).
591     *  \param channels A combination of MPG123_STEREO and MPG123_MONO.
592     *  \param encodings A combination of accepted encodings for rate and channels, p.ex MPG123_ENC_SIGNED16 | MPG123_ENC_ULAW_8 (or 0 for no support). Please note that some encodings may not be supported in the library build and thus will be ignored here.
593     *  \return MPG123_OK on success, MPG123_ERR if there was an error. */
594     //int mpg123_format( mpg123_handle *mh
595     //                                 ,	long rate, int channels, int encodings );
596     alias da_mpg123_format = int function( mpg123_handle *mh
597                        ,	long rate, int channels, int encodings );
599     /** Check to see if a specific format at a specific rate is supported 
600     *  by mpg123_handle.
601     *  \param mh handle
602     *  \param rate sampling rate
603     *  \param encoding encoding
604     *  \return 0 for no support (that includes invalid parameters), MPG123_STEREO, 
605     *          MPG123_MONO or MPG123_STEREO|MPG123_MONO. */
606     //int mpg123_format_support( mpg123_handle *mh
607     //                                         ,	long rate, int encoding );
608     alias da_mpg123_format_support = int function( mpg123_handle *mh
609                                ,	long rate, int encoding );
611     /** Get the current output format written to the addresses given.
612     *  \param mh handle
613     *  \param rate sampling rate return address
614     *  \param channels channel count return address
615     *  \param encoding encoding return address
616     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
617     */
618     //int mpg123_getformat( mpg123_handle *mh
619     //                                    ,	long *rate, int *channels, int *encoding );
620     alias da_mpg123_getformat = int function( mpg123_handle *mh
621                           , int *rate, int *channels, int *encoding );
623     /*@}*/
626     /** \defgroup mpg123_input mpg123 file input and decoding
627     *
628     * Functions for input bitstream and decoding operations.
629     * Decoding/seek functions may also return message codes MPG123_DONE, MPG123_NEW_FORMAT and MPG123_NEED_MORE (please read up on these on how to react!).
630     * @{
631     */
633     /* reading samples / triggering decoding, possible return values: */
634     /** Enumeration of the error codes returned by libmpg123 functions. */
636     /** Open and prepare to decode the specified file by filesystem path.
637     *  This does not open HTTP urls; libmpg123 contains no networking code.
638     *  If you want to decode internet streams, use mpg123_open_fd() or mpg123_open_feed().
639     *  \param mh handle
640     *  \param path filesystem path
641     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
642     */
643     //int mpg123_open(mpg123_handle *mh, const char *path);
644     alias da_mpg123_open = int function(mpg123_handle *mh, const char *path);
646     /** Use an already opened file descriptor as the bitstream input
647     *  mpg123_close() will _not_ close the file descriptor.
648     *  \param mh handle
649     *  \param fd file descriptor
650     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
651     */
652     //int mpg123_open_fd(mpg123_handle *mh, int fd);
653     alias da_mpg123_open_fd = int function(mpg123_handle *mh, int fd);
655     /** Use an opaque handle as bitstream input. This works only with the
656     *  replaced I/O from mpg123_replace_reader_handle()!
657     *  mpg123_close() will call the cleanup callback for your handle (if you gave one).
658     *  \param mh handle
659     *  \param iohandle your handle
660     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
661     */
662     //int mpg123_open_handle(mpg123_handle *mh, void *iohandle);
663     alias da_mpg123_open_handle = int function(mpg123_handle *mh, void *iohandle);
665     /** Open a new bitstream and prepare for direct feeding
666     *  This works together with mpg123_decode(); you are responsible for reading and feeding the input bitstream.
667     *  \param mh handle
668     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
669     */
670     //int mpg123_open_feed(mpg123_handle *mh);
671     alias da_mpg123_open_feed = int function(mpg123_handle *mh);
673     /** Closes the source, if libmpg123 opened it.
674     *  \param mh handle
675     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
676     */
677     //int mpg123_close(mpg123_handle *mh);
678     alias da_mpg123_close = int function(mpg123_handle *mh);
680     /** Read from stream and decode up to outmemsize bytes.
681     *  \param mh handle
682     *  \param outmemory address of output buffer to write to
683     *  \param outmemsize maximum number of bytes to write
684     *  \param done address to store the number of actually decoded bytes to
685     *  \return MPG123_OK or error/message code
686     */
687     //int mpg123_read(mpg123_handle *mh
688     //                              ,	ubyte*outmemory, size_t outmemsize, size_t *done );
689     alias da_mpg123_read = int function(mpg123_handle *mh
690                     ,	ubyte*outmemory, size_t outmemsize, size_t *done );
692     /** Feed data for a stream that has been opened with mpg123_open_feed().
693     *  It's give and take: You provide the bytestream, mpg123 gives you the decoded samples.
694     *  \param mh handle
695     *  \param in input buffer
696     *  \param size number of input bytes
697     *  \return MPG123_OK or error/message code.
698     */
699     //int mpg123_feed( mpg123_handle *mh
700     //                               ,	const ubyte* in_, size_t size );
701     alias da_mpg123_feed = int function( mpg123_handle *mh
702                      ,	const ubyte* in_, size_t size );
704     /** Decode MPEG Audio from inmemory to outmemory. 
705     *  This is very close to a drop-in replacement for old mpglib.
706     *  When you give zero-sized output buffer the input will be parsed until 
707     *  decoded data is available. This enables you to get MPG123_NEW_FORMAT (and query it) 
708     *  without taking decoded data.
709     *  Think of this function being the union of mpg123_read() and mpg123_feed() (which it actually is, sort of;-).
710     *  You can actually always decide if you want those specialized functions in separate steps or one call this one here.
711     *  \param mh handle
712     *  \param inmemory input buffer
713     *  \param inmemsize number of input bytes
714     *  \param outmemory output buffer
715     *  \param outmemsize maximum number of output bytes
716     *  \param done address to store the number of actually decoded bytes to
717     *  \return error/message code (watch out especially for MPG123_NEED_MORE)
718     */
719     //int mpg123_decode( mpg123_handle *mh
720     //                                 ,	const ubyte*inmemory, size_t inmemsize
721     //                                     ,	ubyte*outmemory, size_t outmemsize, size_t *done );
722     alias da_mpg123_decode = int function( mpg123_handle *mh
723                        ,	const ubyte*inmemory, size_t inmemsize
724                            ,	ubyte*outmemory, size_t outmemsize, size_t *done );
726     /** Decode next MPEG frame to internal buffer
727     *  or read a frame and return after setting a new format.
728     *  \param mh handle
729     *  \param num current frame offset gets stored there
730     *  \param audio This pointer is set to the internal buffer to read the decoded audio from.
731     *  \param bytes number of output bytes ready in the buffer
732     *  \return MPG123_OK or error/message code
733     */
734     //int mpg123_decode_frame( mpg123_handle *mh
735     //                                       ,	off_t *num, ubyte**audio, size_t *bytes );
736     alias da_mpg123_decode_frame = int function( mpg123_handle *mh
737                              ,	off_t *num, ubyte**audio, size_t *bytes );
739     /** Decode current MPEG frame to internal buffer.
740     * Warning: This is experimental API that might change in future releases!
741     * Please watch mpg123 development closely when using it.
742     *  \param mh handle
743     *  \param num last frame offset gets stored there
744     *  \param audio this pointer is set to the internal buffer to read the decoded audio from.
745     *  \param bytes number of output bytes ready in the buffer
746     *  \return MPG123_OK or error/message code
747     */
748     //int mpg123_framebyframe_decode( mpg123_handle *mh
749     //                                              ,	off_t *num, ubyte**audio, size_t *bytes );
750     alias da_mpg123_framebyframe_decode = int function( mpg123_handle *mh
751                                     ,	off_t *num, ubyte**audio, size_t *bytes );
753     /** Find, read and parse the next mp3 frame
754     * Warning: This is experimental API that might change in future releases!
755     * Please watch mpg123 development closely when using it.
756     *  \param mh handle
757     *  \return MPG123_OK or error/message code
758     */
759     //int mpg123_framebyframe_next(mpg123_handle *mh);
760     alias da_mpg123_framebyframe_next = int function(mpg123_handle *mh);
762     /** Get access to the raw input data for the last parsed frame.
763     * This gives you a direct look (and write access) to the frame body data.
764     * Together with the raw header, you can reconstruct the whole raw MPEG stream without junk and meta data, or play games by actually modifying the frame body data before decoding this frame (mpg123_framebyframe_decode()).
765     * A more sane use would be to use this for CRC checking (see mpg123_info() and MPG123_CRC), the first two bytes of the body make up the CRC16 checksum, if present.
766     * You can provide NULL for a parameter pointer when you are not interested in the value.
767     *
768     * \param mh handle
769     * \param header the 4-byte MPEG header
770     * \param bodydata pointer to the frame body stored in the handle (without the header)
771     * \param bodybytes size of frame body in bytes (without the header)
772     * \return MPG123_OK if there was a yet un-decoded frame to get the
773     *    data from, MPG123_BAD_HANDLE or MPG123_ERR otherwise (without further
774     *    explanation, the error state of the mpg123_handle is not modified by
775     *    this function).
776     */
777     //int mpg123_framedata( mpg123_handle *mh
778     //                                    ,	uint *header, ubyte**bodydata, size_t *bodybytes );
779     alias da_mpg123_framedata = int function( mpg123_handle *mh
780                           ,	uint *header, ubyte**bodydata, size_t *bodybytes );
782     /** Get the input position (byte offset in stream) of the last parsed frame.
783     *  This can be used for external seek index building, for example.
784     *  It just returns the internally stored offset, regardless of validity --
785     *  you ensure that a valid frame has been parsed before!
786     * \param mh handle
787     * \return byte offset in stream
788     */
789     //off_t mpg123_framepos(mpg123_handle *mh);
790     alias da_mpg123_framepos = off_t function(mpg123_handle *mh);
792     /*@}*/
795     /** \defgroup mpg123_seek mpg123 position and seeking
796     *
797     * Functions querying and manipulating position in the decoded audio bitstream.
798     * The position is measured in decoded audio samples, or MPEG frame offset for the specific functions.
799     * If gapless code is in effect, the positions are adjusted to compensate the skipped padding/delay - meaning, you should not care about that at all and just use the position defined for the samples you get out of the decoder;-)
800     * The general usage is modelled after stdlib's ftell() and fseek().
801     * Especially, the whence parameter for the seek functions has the same meaning as the one for fseek() and needs the same constants from stdlib.h: 
802     * - SEEK_SET: set position to (or near to) specified offset
803     * - SEEK_CUR: change position by offset from now
804     * - SEEK_END: set position to offset from end
805     *
806     * Note that sample-accurate seek only works when gapless support has been enabled at compile time; seek is frame-accurate otherwise.
807     * Also, really sample-accurate seeking (meaning that you get the identical sample value after seeking compared to plain decoding up to the position) is only guaranteed when you do not mess with the position code by using MPG123_UPSPEED, MPG123_DOWNSPEED or MPG123_START_FRAME. The first two mainly should cause trouble with NtoM resampling, but in any case with these options in effect, you have to keep in mind that the sample offset is not the same as counting the samples you get from decoding since mpg123 counts the skipped samples, too (or the samples played twice only once)!
808     * Short: When you care about the sample position, don't mess with those parameters;-)
809     * Also, seeking is not guaranteed to work for all streams (underlying stream may not support it).
810     * And yet another caveat: If the stream is concatenated out of differing pieces (Frankenstein stream), seeking may suffer, too.
811     *
812     * @{
813     */
815     /** Returns the current position in samples.
816     *  On the next successful read, you'd get that sample.
817     *  \param mh handle
818     *  \return sample offset or MPG123_ERR (null handle)
819     */
820     //off_t mpg123_tell(mpg123_handle *mh);
821     alias da_mpg123_tell = off_t function(mpg123_handle *mh);
823     /** Returns the frame number that the next read will give you data from.
824     *  \param mh handle
825     *  \return frame offset or MPG123_ERR (null handle)
826     */
827     //off_t mpg123_tellframe(mpg123_handle *mh);
828     alias da_mpg123_tellframe = off_t function(mpg123_handle *mh);
830     /** Returns the current byte offset in the input stream.
831     *  \param mh handle
832     *  \return byte offset or MPG123_ERR (null handle)
833     */
834     //off_t mpg123_tell_stream(mpg123_handle *mh);
835     alias da_mpg123_tell_stream = off_t function(mpg123_handle *mh);
837     /** Seek to a desired sample offset.
838     *  Usage is modelled afer the standard lseek().
839     * \param mh handle
840     * \param sampleoff offset in PCM samples
841     * \param whence one of SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR or SEEK_END
842     * \return The resulting offset >= 0 or error/message code
843     */
844     //off_t mpg123_seek( mpg123_handle *mh
845     //                                 ,	off_t sampleoff, int whence );
846     alias da_mpg123_seek = off_t function( mpg123_handle *mh
847                        ,	off_t sampleoff, int whence );
849     /** Seek to a desired sample offset in data feeding mode. 
850     *  This just prepares things to be right only if you ensure that the next chunk of input data will be from input_offset byte position.
851     *  \param mh handle
852     *  \param sampleoff offset in PCM samples
853     *  \param whence one of SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR or SEEK_END
854     *  \param input_offset The position it expects to be at the 
855     *                      next time data is fed to mpg123_decode().
856     *  \return The resulting offset >= 0 or error/message code */
857     //off_t mpg123_feedseek( mpg123_handle *mh
858     //                                     ,	off_t sampleoff, int whence, off_t *input_offset );
859     alias da_mpg123_feedseek = off_t function( mpg123_handle *mh
860                            ,	off_t sampleoff, int whence, off_t *input_offset );
862     /** Seek to a desired MPEG frame offset.
863     *  Usage is modelled afer the standard lseek().
864     * \param mh handle
865     * \param frameoff offset in MPEG frames
866     * \param whence one of SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR or SEEK_END
867     * \return The resulting offset >= 0 or error/message code */
868     //off_t mpg123_seek_frame( mpg123_handle *mh
869     //                                       ,	off_t frameoff, int whence );
870     alias da_mpg123_seek_frame = off_t function( mpg123_handle *mh
871                              ,	off_t frameoff, int whence );
873     /** Return a MPEG frame offset corresponding to an offset in seconds.
874     *  This assumes that the samples per frame do not change in the file/stream, which is a good assumption for any sane file/stream only.
875     *  \return frame offset >= 0 or error/message code */
876     //off_t mpg123_timeframe(mpg123_handle *mh, double sec);
877     alias da_mpg123_timeframe = off_t function(mpg123_handle *mh, double sec);
879     /** Give access to the frame index table that is managed for seeking.
880     *  You are asked not to modify the values... Use mpg123_set_index to set the
881     *  seek index
882     *  \param mh handle
883     *  \param offsets pointer to the index array
884     *  \param step one index byte offset advances this many MPEG frames
885     *  \param fill number of recorded index offsets; size of the array
886     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
887     */
888     //int mpg123_index( mpg123_handle *mh
889     //                                ,	off_t **offsets, off_t *step, size_t *fill );
890     alias da_mpg123_index = int function ( mpg123_handle *mh
891                       ,	off_t **offsets, off_t *step, size_t *fill );
893     /** Set the frame index table
894     *  Setting offsets to NULL and fill > 0 will allocate fill entries. Setting offsets
895     *  to NULL and fill to 0 will clear the index and free the allocated memory used by the index.
896     *  \param mh handle
897     *  \param offsets pointer to the index array
898     *  \param step    one index byte offset advances this many MPEG frames
899     *  \param fill    number of recorded index offsets; size of the array
900     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
901     */
902     //int mpg123_set_index( mpg123_handle *mh
903     //                                    ,	off_t *offsets, off_t step, size_t fill );
904     alias da_mpg123_set_index = int function( mpg123_handle *mh
905                           ,	off_t *offsets, off_t step, size_t fill );
907     /** An old crutch to keep old mpg123 binaries happy.
908     *  WARNING: This function is there only to avoid runtime linking errors with
909     *  standalone mpg123 before version 1.23.0 (if you strangely update the
910     *  library but not the end-user program) and actually is broken
911     *  for various cases (p.ex. 24 bit output). Do never use. It might eventually
912     *  be purged from the library.
913     */
914     //int mpg123_position( mpg123_handle *mh, off_t frame_offset, off_t buffered_bytes, off_t *current_frame, off_t *frames_left, double *current_seconds, double *seconds_left);
915     alias da_mpg123_position = int function( mpg123_handle *mh, off_t frame_offset, off_t buffered_bytes, off_t *current_frame, off_t *frames_left, double *current_seconds, double *seconds_left);
917     /*@}*/
920     /** \defgroup mpg123_voleq mpg123 volume and equalizer
921     *
922     * @{
923     */
925     /** another channel enumeration, for left/right choice */
926     enum mpg123_channels
927     {
928         MPG123_LEFT=0x1	/**< The Left Channel. */
929             ,MPG123_RIGHT=0x2	/**< The Right Channel. */
930             ,MPG123_LR=0x3	/**< Both left and right channel; same as MPG123_LEFT|MPG123_RIGHT */
931     };
933     /** Set the 32 Band Audio Equalizer settings.
934     *  \param mh handle
935     *  \param channel Can be MPG123_LEFT, MPG123_RIGHT or MPG123_LEFT|MPG123_RIGHT for both.
936     *  \param band The equaliser band to change (from 0 to 31)
937     *  \param val The (linear) adjustment factor.
938     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
939     */
940     //int mpg123_eq( mpg123_handle *mh
941     //                             ,	mpg123_channels channel, int band, double val );
942     alias da_mpg123_eq = int function( mpg123_handle *mh
943                    ,	mpg123_channels channel, int band, double val );
945     /** Get the 32 Band Audio Equalizer settings.
946     *  \param mh handle
947     *  \param channel Can be MPG123_LEFT, MPG123_RIGHT or MPG123_LEFT|MPG123_RIGHT for (arithmetic mean of) both.
948     *  \param band The equaliser band to change (from 0 to 31)
949     *  \return The (linear) adjustment factor (zero for pad parameters) */
950     //double mpg123_geteq(mpg123_handle *mh
951     //                                  , mpg123_channels channel, int band);
952     alias da_mpg123_geteq = double function(mpg123_handle *mh
953                         , mpg123_channels channel, int band);
955     /** Reset the 32 Band Audio Equalizer settings to flat
956     *  \param mh handle
957     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
958     */
959     //int mpg123_reset_eq(mpg123_handle *mh);
960     alias da_mpg123_reset_eq = int function(mpg123_handle *mh);
962     /** Set the absolute output volume including the RVA setting, 
963     *  vol<0 just applies (a possibly changed) RVA setting.
964     *  \param mh handle
965     *  \param vol volume value (linear factor)
966     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
967     */
968     //int mpg123_volume(mpg123_handle *mh, double vol);
969     alias da_mpg123_volume = int function(mpg123_handle *mh, double vol);
971     /** Adjust output volume including the RVA setting by chosen amount
972     *  \param mh handle
973     *  \param change volume value (linear factor increment)
974     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
975     */
976     //int mpg123_volume_change(mpg123_handle *mh, double change);
977     alias da_mpg123_volume_change = int function(mpg123_handle *mh, double change);
979     /** Return current volume setting, the actual value due to RVA, and the RVA 
980     *  adjustment itself. It's all as double float value to abstract the sample 
981     *  format. The volume values are linear factors / amplitudes (not percent) 
982     *  and the RVA value is in decibels.
983     *  \param mh handle
984     *  \param base return address for base volume (linear factor)
985     *  \param really return address for actual volume (linear factor)
986     *  \param rva_db return address for RVA value (decibels)
987     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
988     */
989     //int mpg123_getvolume(mpg123_handle *mh, double *base, double *really, double *rva_db);
990     alias da_mpg123_getvolume = int function(mpg123_handle *mh, double *base, double *really, double *rva_db);
992     /* TODO: Set some preamp in addition / to replace internal RVA handling? */
994     /*@}*/
997     /** \defgroup mpg123_status mpg123 status and information
998     *
999     * @{
1000     */
1002     /** Enumeration of the mode types of Variable Bitrate */
1003     enum mpg123_vbr {
1004         MPG123_CBR=0,	/**< Constant Bitrate Mode (default) */
1005         MPG123_VBR,		/**< Variable Bitrate Mode */
1006         MPG123_ABR		/**< Average Bitrate Mode */
1007     };
1009     /** Enumeration of the MPEG Versions */
1010     enum mpg123_version {
1011         MPG123_1_0=0,	/**< MPEG Version 1.0 */
1012         MPG123_2_0,		/**< MPEG Version 2.0 */
1013         MPG123_2_5		/**< MPEG Version 2.5 */
1014     };
1017     /** Enumeration of the MPEG Audio mode.
1018     *  Only the mono mode has 1 channel, the others have 2 channels. */
1019     enum mpg123_mode {
1020         MPG123_M_STEREO=0,	/**< Standard Stereo. */
1021         MPG123_M_JOINT,		/**< Joint Stereo. */
1022         MPG123_M_DUAL,		/**< Dual Channel. */
1023         MPG123_M_MONO		/**< Single Channel. */
1024     };
1027     /** Enumeration of the MPEG Audio flag bits */
1028     enum mpg123_flags {
1029         MPG123_CRC=0x1,			/**< The bitstream is error protected using 16-bit CRC. */
1030         MPG123_COPYRIGHT=0x2,	/**< The bitstream is copyrighted. */
1031         MPG123_PRIVATE=0x4,		/**< The private bit has been set. */
1032         MPG123_ORIGINAL=0x8	/**< The bitstream is an original, not a copy. */
1033     };
1035     /** Data structure for storing information about a frame of MPEG Audio */
1036     struct mpg123_frameinfo
1037     {
1038         mpg123_version version_;	/**< The MPEG version (1.0/2.0/2.5). */
1039         int layer;						/**< The MPEG Audio Layer (MP1/MP2/MP3). */
1040         long rate; 						/**< The sampling rate in Hz. */
1041         mpg123_mode mode;			/**< The audio mode (Mono, Stereo, Joint-stero, Dual Channel). */
1042         int mode_ext;					/**< The mode extension bit flag. */
1043         int framesize;					/**< The size of the frame (in bytes, including header). */
1044         mpg123_flags flags;		/**< MPEG Audio flag bits. Just now I realize that it should be declared as int, not enum. It's a bitwise combination of the enum values. */
1045         int emphasis;					/**< The emphasis type. */
1046         int bitrate;					/**< Bitrate of the frame (kbps). */
1047         int abr_rate;					/**< The target average bitrate. */
1048         mpg123_vbr vbr;			/**< The VBR mode. */
1049     };
1051     /** Get frame information about the MPEG audio bitstream and store it in a mpg123_frameinfo structure.
1052     *  \param mh handle
1053     *  \param mi address of existing frameinfo structure to write to
1054     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
1055     */
1056     //int mpg123_info(mpg123_handle *mh, mpg123_frameinfo *mi);
1057     alias da_mpg123_info = int function(mpg123_handle *mh, mpg123_frameinfo *mi);
1059     /** Get the safe output buffer size for all cases
1060     *  (when you want to replace the internal buffer)
1061     *  \return safe buffer size
1062     */
1063     //size_t mpg123_safe_buffer();
1064     alias da_mpg123_safe_buffer = size_t function();
1066     /** Make a full parsing scan of each frame in the file. ID3 tags are found. An
1067     *  accurate length value is stored. Seek index will be filled. A seek back to
1068     *  current position is performed. At all, this function refuses work when
1069     *  stream is not seekable.
1070     *  \param mh handle
1071     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
1072     */
1073     //int mpg123_scan(mpg123_handle *mh);
1074     alias da_mpg123_scan = int function(mpg123_handle *mh);
1076     /** Return, if possible, the full (expected) length of current track in frames.
1077     * \param mh handle
1078     * \return length >= 0 or MPG123_ERR if there is no length guess possible.
1079     */
1080     //off_t mpg123_framelength(mpg123_handle *mh);
1081     alias da_mpg123_framelength = off_t function(mpg123_handle *mh);
1083     /** Return, if possible, the full (expected) length of current track in samples.
1084     * \param mh handle
1085     * \return length >= 0 or MPG123_ERR if there is no length guess possible.
1086     */
1087     //off_t mpg123_length(mpg123_handle *mh);
1088     alias da_mpg123_length = off_t function(mpg123_handle *mh);
1090     /** Override the value for file size in bytes.
1091     *  Useful for getting sensible track length values in feed mode or for HTTP streams.
1092     *  \param mh handle
1093     *  \param size file size in bytes
1094     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
1095     */
1096     //int mpg123_set_filesize(mpg123_handle *mh, off_t size);
1097     alias da_mpg123_set_filesize = int function(mpg123_handle *mh, off_t size);
1099     /** Get MPEG frame duration in seconds.
1100     *  \param mh handle
1101     *  \return frame duration in seconds, <0 on error
1102     */
1103     //double mpg123_tpf(mpg123_handle *mh);
1104     alias da_mpg123_tpf = double function(mpg123_handle *mh);
1106     /** Get MPEG frame duration in samples.
1107     *  \param mh handle
1108     *  \return samples per frame for the most recently parsed frame; <0 on errors
1109     */
1110     //int mpg123_spf(mpg123_handle *mh);
1111     alias da_mpg123_spf = int function(mpg123_handle *mh);
1113     /** Get and reset the clip count.
1114     *  \param mh handle
1115     *  \return count of clipped samples
1116     */
1117     //long mpg123_clip(mpg123_handle *mh);
1118     alias da_mpg123_clip = long function(mpg123_handle *mh);
1121     /** The key values for state information from mpg123_getstate(). */
1122     enum mpg123_state
1123     {
1124         MPG123_ACCURATE = 1 /**< Query if positons are currently accurate (integer value, 0 if false, 1 if true). */
1125             ,MPG123_BUFFERFILL   /**< Get fill of internal (feed) input buffer as integer byte count returned as long and as double. An error is returned on integer overflow while converting to (signed) long, but the returned floating point value shold still be fine. */
1126             ,MPG123_FRANKENSTEIN /**< Stream consists of carelessly stitched together files. Seeking may yield unexpected results (also with MPG123_ACCURATE, it may be confused). */
1127             ,MPG123_FRESH_DECODER /**< Decoder structure has been updated, possibly indicating changed stream (integer value, 0 if false, 1 if true). Flag is cleared after retrieval. */
1128     };
1130     /** Get various current decoder/stream state information.
1131     *  \param mh handle
1132     *  \param key the key to identify the information to give.
1133     *  \param val the address to return (long) integer values to
1134     *  \param fval the address to return floating point values to
1135     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
1136     */
1137     //int mpg123_getstate( mpg123_handle *mh
1138     //                                   ,	mpg123_state key, long *val, double *fval );
1139     alias da_mpg123_getstate = int function( mpg123_handle *mh
1140                          ,	mpg123_state key, long *val, double *fval );
1142     /*@}*/
1145     /** \defgroup mpg123_metadata mpg123 metadata handling
1146     *
1147     * Functions to retrieve the metadata from MPEG Audio files and streams.
1148     * Also includes string handling functions.
1149     *
1150     * @{
1151     */
1153     /** Data structure for storing strings in a safer way than a standard C-String.
1154     *  Can also hold a number of null-terminated strings. */
1155     struct mpg123_string
1156     {
1157         char* p;     /**< pointer to the string data */
1158         size_t size; /**< raw number of bytes allocated */
1159         size_t fill; /**< number of used bytes (including closing zero byte) */
1160     }
1162     /** Create and allocate memory for a new mpg123_string
1163     *  \param sb string handle (address of existing structure on your side)
1164     */
1165     //void mpg123_init_string(mpg123_string* sb);
1166     alias da_mpg123_init_string = void function(mpg123_string* sb);
1168     /** Free-up mempory for an existing mpg123_string
1169     *  \param sb string handle
1170     */
1171     //void mpg123_free_string(mpg123_string* sb);
1172     alias da_mpg123_free_string = void function(mpg123_string* sb);
1174     /** Change the size of a mpg123_string
1175     *  \param sb string handle
1176     *  \param news new size in bytes
1177     *  \return 0 on error, 1 on success
1178     */
1179     //int mpg123_resize_string(mpg123_string* sb, size_t news);
1180     alias da_mpg123_resize_string = int function(mpg123_string* sb, size_t news);
1182     /** Increase size of a mpg123_string if necessary (it may stay larger).
1183     *  Note that the functions for adding and setting in current libmpg123
1184     *  use this instead of mpg123_resize_string().
1185     *  That way, you can preallocate memory and safely work afterwards with
1186     *  pieces.
1187     *  \param sb string handle
1188     *  \param news new minimum size
1189     *  \return 0 on error, 1 on success
1190     */
1191     //int mpg123_grow_string(mpg123_string* sb, size_t news);
1192     alias da_mpg123_grow_string = int function(mpg123_string* sb, size_t news);
1194     /** Copy the contents of one mpg123_string string to another.
1195     *  Yes the order of arguments is reversed compated to memcpy().
1196     *  \param from string handle
1197     *  \param to string handle
1198     *  \return 0 on error, 1 on success
1199     */
1200     //int mpg123_copy_string(mpg123_string* from, mpg123_string* to);
1201     alias da_mpg123_copy_string = int function(mpg123_string* from, mpg123_string* to);
1203     /** Append a C-String to an mpg123_string
1204     *  \param sb string handle
1205     *  \param stuff to append
1206     *  \return 0 on error, 1 on success
1207     */
1208     //int mpg123_add_string(mpg123_string* sb, const char* stuff);
1209     alias da_mpg123_add_string = int function(mpg123_string* sb, const char* stuff);
1211     /** Append a C-substring to an mpg123 string
1212     *  \param sb string handle
1213     *  \param stuff content to copy
1214     *  \param from offset to copy from
1215     *  \param count number of characters to copy (a null-byte is always appended)
1216     *  \return 0 on error, 1 on success
1217     */
1218     //int mpg123_add_substring( mpg123_string *sb
1219     //                                        ,	const char *stuff, size_t from, size_t count );
1220     alias da_mpg123_add_substring = int function( mpg123_string *sb
1221                               ,	const char *stuff, size_t from, size_t count );
1223     /** Set the content of a mpg123_string to a C-string
1224     *  \param sb string handle
1225     *  \param stuff content to copy
1226     *  \return 0 on error, 1 on success
1227     */
1228     //int mpg123_set_string(mpg123_string* sb, const char* stuff);
1229     alias da_mpg123_set_string = int function(mpg123_string* sb, const char* stuff);
1231     /** Set the content of a mpg123_string to a C-substring
1232     *  \param sb string handle
1233     *  \param stuff the future content
1234     *  \param from offset to copy from
1235     *  \param count number of characters to copy (a null-byte is always appended)
1236     *  \return 0 on error, 1 on success
1237     */
1238     //int mpg123_set_substring( mpg123_string *sb
1239     //                                        ,	const char *stuff, size_t from, size_t count );
1240     alias da_mpg123_set_substring = int function( mpg123_string *sb
1241                               ,	const char *stuff, size_t from, size_t count );
1243     /** Count characters in a mpg123 string (non-null bytes or UTF-8 characters).
1244     *  Even with the fill property, the character count is not obvious as there could be multiple trailing null bytes.
1245     *  \param sb string handle
1246     *  \param utf8 a flag to tell if the string is in utf8 encoding
1247     *  \return character count
1248     */
1249     //size_t mpg123_strlen(mpg123_string *sb, int utf8);
1250     alias da_mpg123_strlen = size_t function(mpg123_string *sb, int utf8);
1252     /** Remove trailing \\r and \\n, if present.
1253     *  \param sb string handle
1254     *  \return 0 on error, 1 on success
1255     */
1256     //int mpg123_chomp_string(mpg123_string *sb);
1257     alias da_mpg123_chomp_string = int function(mpg123_string *sb);
1259     /** The mpg123 text encodings. This contains encodings we encounter in ID3 tags or ICY meta info. */
1260     enum mpg123_text_encoding
1261     {
1262         mpg123_text_unknown  = 0 /**< Unkown encoding... mpg123_id3_encoding can return that on invalid codes. */
1263             ,mpg123_text_utf8     = 1 /**< UTF-8 */
1264             ,mpg123_text_latin1   = 2 /**< ISO-8859-1. Note that sometimes latin1 in ID3 is abused for totally different encodings. */
1265             ,mpg123_text_icy      = 3 /**< ICY metadata encoding, usually CP-1252 but we take it as UTF-8 if it qualifies as such. */
1266             ,mpg123_text_cp1252   = 4 /**< Really CP-1252 without any guessing. */
1267             ,mpg123_text_utf16    = 5 /**< Some UTF-16 encoding. The last of a set of leading BOMs (byte order mark) rules.
1268             *   When there is no BOM, big endian ordering is used. Note that UCS-2 qualifies as UTF-8 when
1269             *   you don't mess with the reserved code points. If you want to decode little endian data
1270             *   without BOM you need to prepend 0xff 0xfe yourself. */
1271             ,mpg123_text_utf16bom = 6 /**< Just an alias for UTF-16, ID3v2 has this as distinct code. */
1272             ,mpg123_text_utf16be  = 7 /**< Another alias for UTF16 from ID3v2. Note, that, because of the mess that is reality,
1273             *   BOMs are used if encountered. There really is not much distinction between the UTF16 types for mpg123
1274             *   One exception: Since this is seen in ID3v2 tags, leading null bytes are skipped for all other UTF16
1275             *   types (we expect a BOM before real data there), not so for utf16be!*/
1276             ,mpg123_text_max      = 7 /**< Placeholder for the maximum encoding value. */
1277     }
1279     /** The encoding byte values from ID3v2. */
1280     enum mpg123_id3_enc
1281     {
1282         mpg123_id3_latin1   = 0 /**< Note: This sometimes can mean anything in practice... */
1283             ,mpg123_id3_utf16bom = 1 /**< UTF16, UCS-2 ... it's all the same for practical purposes. */
1284             ,mpg123_id3_utf16be  = 2 /**< Big-endian UTF-16, BOM see note for mpg123_text_utf16be. */
1285             ,mpg123_id3_utf8     = 3 /**< Our lovely overly ASCII-compatible 8 byte encoding for the world. */
1286             ,mpg123_id3_enc_max  = 3 /**< Placeholder to check valid range of encoding byte. */
1287     }
1289     /** Convert ID3 encoding byte to mpg123 encoding index.
1290     *  \param id3_enc_byte the ID3 encoding code
1291     *  \return the mpg123 encoding index
1292     */
1293     //pg123_text_encoding mpg123_enc_from_id3(ubyte id3_enc_byte);
1294     alias da_mpg123_enc_from_id3 = mpg123_text_encoding function(ubyte id3_enc_byte);
1296     /** Store text data in string, after converting to UTF-8 from indicated encoding
1297     *  A prominent error can be that you provided an unknown encoding value, or this build of libmpg123 lacks support for certain encodings (ID3 or ICY stuff missing).
1298     *  Also, you might want to take a bit of care with preparing the data; for example, strip leading zeroes (I have seen that).
1299     *  \param sb  target string
1300     *  \param enc mpg123 text encoding value
1301     *  \param source source buffer with plain unsigned bytes (you might need to cast from signed char)
1302     *  \param source_size number of bytes in the source buffer
1303     *  \return 0 on error, 1 on success (on error, mpg123_free_string is called on sb)
1304     */
1305     //int mpg123_store_utf8(mpg123_string *sb, mpg123_text_encoding enc, const ubyte*source, size_t source_size);
1306     alias da_mpg123_store_utf8 = int function(mpg123_string *sb, mpg123_text_encoding enc, const ubyte*source, size_t source_size);
1308     /** Sub data structure for ID3v2, for storing various text fields (including comments).
1309     *  This is for ID3v2 COMM, TXXX and all the other text fields.
1310     *  Only COMM and TXXX have a description, only COMM and USLT have a language.
1311     *  You should consult the ID3v2 specification for the use of the various text fields ("frames" in ID3v2 documentation, I use "fields" here to separate from MPEG frames). */
1312     struct mpg123_text
1313     {
1314         char[3] lang; /**< Three-letter language code (not terminated). */
1315         char[4] id;   /**< The ID3v2 text field id, like TALB, TPE2, ... (4 characters, no string termination). */
1316         mpg123_string description; /**< Empty for the generic comment... */
1317         mpg123_string text;        /**< ... */
1318     }
1320     /** The picture type values from ID3v2. */
1321     enum mpg123_id3_pic_type
1322     {
1323         mpg123_id3_pic_other          =  0 /**< see ID3v2 docs */
1324             ,mpg123_id3_pic_icon           =  1 /**< see ID3v2 docs */
1325             ,mpg123_id3_pic_other_icon     =  2 /**< see ID3v2 docs */
1326             ,mpg123_id3_pic_front_cover    =  3 /**< see ID3v2 docs */
1327             ,mpg123_id3_pic_back_cover     =  4 /**< see ID3v2 docs */
1328             ,mpg123_id3_pic_leaflet        =  5 /**< see ID3v2 docs */
1329             ,mpg123_id3_pic_media          =  6 /**< see ID3v2 docs */
1330             ,mpg123_id3_pic_lead           =  7 /**< see ID3v2 docs */
1331             ,mpg123_id3_pic_artist         =  8 /**< see ID3v2 docs */
1332             ,mpg123_id3_pic_conductor      =  9 /**< see ID3v2 docs */
1333             ,mpg123_id3_pic_orchestra      = 10 /**< see ID3v2 docs */
1334             ,mpg123_id3_pic_composer       = 11 /**< see ID3v2 docs */
1335             ,mpg123_id3_pic_lyricist       = 12 /**< see ID3v2 docs */
1336             ,mpg123_id3_pic_location       = 13 /**< see ID3v2 docs */
1337             ,mpg123_id3_pic_recording      = 14 /**< see ID3v2 docs */
1338             ,mpg123_id3_pic_performance    = 15 /**< see ID3v2 docs */
1339             ,mpg123_id3_pic_video          = 16 /**< see ID3v2 docs */
1340             ,mpg123_id3_pic_fish           = 17 /**< see ID3v2 docs */
1341             ,mpg123_id3_pic_illustration   = 18 /**< see ID3v2 docs */
1342             ,mpg123_id3_pic_artist_logo    = 19 /**< see ID3v2 docs */
1343             ,mpg123_id3_pic_publisher_logo = 20 /**< see ID3v2 docs */
1344     };
1346     /** Sub data structure for ID3v2, for storing picture data including comment.
1347     *  This is for the ID3v2 APIC field. You should consult the ID3v2 specification
1348     *  for the use of the APIC field ("frames" in ID3v2 documentation, I use "fields"
1349     *  here to separate from MPEG frames). */
1350     struct mpg123_picture
1351     {
1352         char type;                 /**< mpg123_id3_pic_type value */
1353         mpg123_string description; /**< description string */
1354         mpg123_string mime_type;   /**< MIME type */
1355         size_t size;               /**< size in bytes */
1356         ubyte* data;       /**< pointer to the image data */
1357     }
1359     /** Data structure for storing IDV3v2 tags.
1360     *  This structure is not a direct binary mapping with the file contents.
1361     *  The ID3v2 text frames are allowed to contain multiple strings.
1362     *  So check for null bytes until you reach the mpg123_string fill.
1363     *  All text is encoded in UTF-8. */
1364     struct mpg123_id3v2
1365     {
1366         ubyte version_; /**< 3 or 4 for ID3v2.3 or ID3v2.4. */
1367         mpg123_string *title;   /**< Title string (pointer into text_list). */
1368         mpg123_string *artist;  /**< Artist string (pointer into text_list). */
1369         mpg123_string *album;   /**< Album string (pointer into text_list). */
1370         mpg123_string *year;    /**< The year as a string (pointer into text_list). */
1371         mpg123_string *genre;   /**< Genre String (pointer into text_list). The genre string(s) may very well need postprocessing, esp. for ID3v2.3. */
1372         mpg123_string *comment; /**< Pointer to last encountered comment text with empty description. */
1373         /* Encountered ID3v2 fields are appended to these lists.
1374         There can be multiple occurences, the pointers above always point to the last encountered data. */
1375         mpg123_text    *comment_list; /**< Array of comments. */
1376         size_t          comments;     /**< Number of comments. */
1377         mpg123_text    *text;         /**< Array of ID3v2 text fields (including USLT) */
1378         size_t          texts;        /**< Numer of text fields. */
1379         mpg123_text    *extra;        /**< The array of extra (TXXX) fields. */
1380         size_t          extras;       /**< Number of extra text (TXXX) fields. */
1381         mpg123_picture  *picture;     /**< Array of ID3v2 pictures fields (APIC). */
1382         size_t           pictures;    /**< Number of picture (APIC) fields. */
1383     }
1385     /** Data structure for ID3v1 tags (the last 128 bytes of a file).
1386     *  Don't take anything for granted (like string termination)!
1387     *  Also note the change ID3v1.1 did: comment[28] = 0; comment[29] = track_number
1388     *  It is your task to support ID3v1 only or ID3v1.1 ...*/
1389     struct mpg123_id3v1
1390     {
1391         char[3] tag;         /**< Always the string "TAG", the classic intro. */
1392         char[30] title;      /**< Title string.  */
1393         char[30] artist;     /**< Artist string. */
1394         char[30] album;      /**< Album string. */
1395         char[4] year;        /**< Year string. */
1396         char[30] comment;    /**< Comment string. */
1397         ubyte genre; /**< Genre index. */
1398     }
1400     enum MPG123_ID3     = 0x3; /**< 0011 There is some ID3 info. Also matches 0010 or NEW_ID3. */
1401     enum MPG123_NEW_ID3 = 0x1; /**< 0001 There is ID3 info that changed since last call to mpg123_id3. */
1402     enum MPG123_ICY     = 0xc; /**< 1100 There is some ICY info. Also matches 0100 or NEW_ICY.*/
1403     enum MPG123_NEW_ICY = 0x4; /**< 0100 There is ICY info that changed since last call to mpg123_icy. */
1405     /** Query if there is (new) meta info, be it ID3 or ICY (or something new in future).
1406     *  \param mh handle
1407     *  \return combination of flags, 0 on error (same as "nothing new")
1408     */
1409     //int mpg123_meta_check(mpg123_handle *mh);
1410     alias da_mpg123_meta_check = int function(mpg123_handle *mh);
1412     /** Clean up meta data storage (ID3v2 and ICY), freeing memory.
1413     *  \param mh handle
1414     */
1415     //void mpg123_meta_free(mpg123_handle *mh);
1416     alias da_mpg123_meta_free = void function(mpg123_handle *mh);
1418     /** Point v1 and v2 to existing data structures wich may change on any next read/decode function call.
1419     *  v1 and/or v2 can be set to NULL when there is no corresponding data.
1420     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
1421     */
1422     //int mpg123_id3( mpg123_handle *mh
1423     //                              ,	mpg123_id3v1 **v1, mpg123_id3v2 **v2 );
1424     alias da_mpg123_id3 = int function( mpg123_handle *mh
1425                     ,	mpg123_id3v1 **v1, mpg123_id3v2 **v2 );
1427     /** Point icy_meta to existing data structure wich may change on any next read/decode function call.
1428     *  \param mh handle
1429     *  \param icy_meta return address for ICY meta string (set to NULL if nothing there)
1430     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
1431     */
1432     //int mpg123_icy(mpg123_handle *mh, char **icy_meta);
1433     alias da_mpg123_icy = int function(mpg123_handle *mh, char **icy_meta);
1435     /** Decode from windows-1252 (the encoding ICY metainfo used) to UTF-8.
1436     *  Note that this is very similar to mpg123_store_utf8(&sb, mpg123_text_icy, icy_text, strlen(icy_text+1)) .
1437     *  \param icy_text The input data in ICY encoding
1438     *  \return pointer to newly allocated buffer with UTF-8 data (You free() it!) */
1439     //char* mpg123_icy2utf8(const char* icy_text);
1440     alias da_mpg123_icy2utf8 = char* function(const char* icy_text);
1443     /* @} */
1446     /** \defgroup mpg123_advpar mpg123 advanced parameter API
1447     *
1448     *  Direct access to a parameter set without full handle around it.
1449     *	Possible uses:
1450     *    - Influence behaviour of library _during_ initialization of handle (MPG123_VERBOSE).
1451     *    - Use one set of parameters for multiple handles.
1452     *
1453     *	The functions for handling mpg123_pars (mpg123_par() and mpg123_fmt() 
1454     *  family) directly return a fully qualified mpg123 error code, the ones 
1455     *  operating on full handles normally MPG123_OK or MPG123_ERR, storing the 
1456     *  specific error code itseld inside the handle. 
1457     *
1458     * @{
1459     */
1461     /** Opaque structure for the libmpg123 decoder parameters. */
1462     struct mpg123_pars;
1463     //struct mpg123_pars_struct;
1465     /** Opaque structure for the libmpg123 decoder parameters. */
1466     //typedef struct mpg123_pars_struct   mpg123_pars;
1468     /** Create a handle with preset parameters.
1469     *  \param mp parameter handle
1470     *  \param decoder decoder choice
1471     *  \param error error code return address
1472     *  \return mpg123 handle
1473     */
1474     //mpg123_handle *mpg123_parnew( mpg123_pars *mp
1475     //                                            ,	const char* decoder, int *error );
1476     alias da_mpg123_parnew = mpg123_handle *function( mpg123_pars *mp
1477                                   ,	const char* decoder, int *error );
1479     /** Allocate memory for and return a pointer to a new mpg123_pars
1480     *  \param error error code return address
1481     *  \return new parameter handle
1482     */
1483     //mpg123_pars *mpg123_new_pars(int *error);
1484     alias da_mpg123_new_pars = mpg123_pars *function(int *error);
1486     /** Delete and free up memory used by a mpg123_pars data structure
1487     *  \param mp parameter handle
1488     */
1489     //void mpg123_delete_pars(mpg123_pars* mp);
1490     alias da_mpg123_delete_pars = void function(mpg123_pars* mp);
1492     /** Configure mpg123 parameters to accept no output format at all, 
1493     *  use before specifying supported formats with mpg123_format
1494     *  \param mp parameter handle
1495     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
1496     */
1497     //int mpg123_fmt_none(mpg123_pars *mp);
1498     alias da_mpg123_fmt_none = int function(mpg123_pars *mp);
1500     /** Configure mpg123 parameters to accept all formats 
1501     *  (also any custom rate you may set) -- this is default. 
1502     *  \param mp parameter handle
1503     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
1504     */
1505     //int mpg123_fmt_all(mpg123_pars *mp);
1506     alias da_mpg123_fmt_all = int function(mpg123_pars *mp);
1508     /** Set the audio format support of a mpg123_pars in detail:
1509     * \param mp parameter handle
1510     * \param rate The sample rate value (in Hertz).
1511     * \param channels A combination of MPG123_STEREO and MPG123_MONO.
1512     * \param encodings A combination of accepted encodings for rate and channels,
1513     *                  p.ex MPG123_ENC_SIGNED16|MPG123_ENC_ULAW_8 (or 0 for no
1514     *                  support).
1515     * \return MPG123_OK on success
1516     */
1517     //int mpg123_fmt(mpg123_pars *mp
1518     //                             ,	long rate, int channels, int encodings);
1519     alias da_mpg123_fmt = int function(mpg123_pars *mp
1520                    ,	long rate, int channels, int encodings);
1522     /** Check to see if a specific format at a specific rate is supported
1523     *  by mpg123_pars.
1524     *  \param mp parameter handle
1525     *  \param rate sampling rate
1526     *  \param encoding encoding
1527     *  \return 0 for no support (that includes invalid parameters), MPG123_STEREO, 
1528     *          MPG123_MONO or MPG123_STEREO|MPG123_MONO. */
1529     //int mpg123_fmt_support(mpg123_pars *mp, long rate, int encoding);
1530     alias da_mpg123_fmt_support = int function(mpg123_pars *mp, long rate, int encoding);
1532     /** Set a specific parameter, for a specific mpg123_pars, using a parameter 
1533     *  type key chosen from the mpg123_parms enumeration, to the specified value.
1534     *  \param mp parameter handle
1535     *  \param type parameter choice
1536     *  \param value integer value
1537     *  \param fvalue floating point value
1538     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
1539     */
1540     //int mpg123_par( mpg123_pars *mp
1541     //                              ,	mpg123_parms type, long value, double fvalue );
1542     alias da_mpg123_par = int function( mpg123_pars *mp
1543                     ,	mpg123_parms type, long value, double fvalue );
1545     /** Get a specific parameter, for a specific mpg123_pars. 
1546     *  See the mpg123_parms enumeration for a list of available parameters.
1547     *  \param mp parameter handle
1548     *  \param type parameter choice
1549     *  \param value integer value return address
1550     *  \param fvalue floating point value return address
1551     *  \return MPG123_OK on success
1552     */
1553     //int mpg123_getpar( mpg123_pars *mp
1554     //                                 ,	mpg123_parms type, long *value, double *fvalue);
1555     alias da_mpg123_getpar = int function( mpg123_pars *mp
1556                        ,	mpg123_parms type, long *value, double *fvalue);
1558     /* @} */
1561     /** \defgroup mpg123_lowio mpg123 low level I/O
1562     * You may want to do tricky stuff with I/O that does not work with mpg123's default file access or you want to make it decode into your own pocket...
1563     *
1564     * @{ */
1566     /** Replace default internal buffer with user-supplied buffer.
1567     * Instead of working on it's own private buffer, mpg123 will directly use the one you provide for storing decoded audio.
1568     * Note that the required buffer size could be bigger than expected from output
1569     * encoding if libmpg123 has to convert from primary decoder output (p.ex. 32 bit
1570     * storage for 24 bit output).
1571     * \param mh handle
1572     * \param data pointer to user buffer
1573     * \param size of buffer in bytes
1574     * \return MPG123_OK on success
1575     */
1576     //int mpg123_replace_buffer(mpg123_handle *mh
1577     //                                        ,	ubyte*data, size_t size);
1578     alias da_mpg123_replace_buffer = int function(mpg123_handle *mh
1579                               ,	ubyte*data, size_t size);
1581     /** The max size of one frame's decoded output with current settings.
1582     *  Use that to determine an appropriate minimum buffer size for decoding one frame.
1583     *  \param mh handle
1584     *  \return maximum decoded data size in bytes
1585     */
1586     //size_t mpg123_outblock(mpg123_handle *mh);
1587     alias da_mpg123_outblock = size_t function(mpg123_handle *mh);
1589     /** Replace low-level stream access functions; read and lseek as known in POSIX.
1590     *  You can use this to make any fancy file opening/closing yourself, 
1591     *  using mpg123_open_fd() to set the file descriptor for your read/lseek
1592     *  (doesn't need to be a "real" file descriptor...).
1593     *  Setting a function to NULL means that the default internal read is 
1594     *  used (active from next mpg123_open call on).
1595     *  Note: As it would be troublesome to mess with this while having a file open,
1596     *  this implies mpg123_close().
1597     * \param mh handle
1598     * \param r_read callback for reading (behaviour like POSIX read)
1599     * \param r_lseek callback for seeking (like POSIX lseek)
1600     * \return MPG123_OK on success
1601     */
1602     //int mpg123_replace_reader( mpg123_handle *mh
1603     //                                         ,	ssize_t function (int, void *, size_t) r_read
1604     //                                        ,	off_t function (int, off_t, int) r_lseek
1605     //                                        );
1606     alias da_mpg123_replace_reader = int function( mpg123_handle *mh
1607                                ,	ssize_t function (int, void *, size_t) r_read
1608                                    ,	off_t function (int, off_t, int) r_lseek
1609                                        );
1611     /** Replace I/O functions with your own ones operating on some kind of
1612     *  handle instead of integer descriptors.
1613     *  The handle is a void pointer, so you can pass any data you want...
1614     *  mpg123_open_handle() is the call you make to use the I/O defined here.
1615     *  There is no fallback to internal read/seek here.
1616     *  Note: As it would be troublesome to mess with this while having a file open,
1617     *  this mpg123_close() is implied here.
1618     *  \param mh handle
1619     *  \param r_read callback for reading (behaviour like POSIX read)
1620     *  \param r_lseek callback for seeking (like POSIX lseek)
1621     *  \param cleanup A callback to clean up an I/O handle on mpg123_close,
1622     *         can be NULL for none (you take care of cleaning your handles).
1623     * \return MPG123_OK on success
1624     */
1625     //int mpg123_replace_reader_handle( mpg123_handle *mh
1626     //                                                ,	ssize_t function(void *, void *, size_t) r_read
1627     //                                               ,	off_t function (void *, off_t, int) r_lseek
1628     //                                               ,	void function(void*)cleanup);
1629     alias da_mpg123_replace_reader_handle = int function( mpg123_handle *mh
1630                                       ,	ssize_t function(void *, void *, size_t) r_read
1631                                           ,	off_t function (void *, off_t, int) r_lseek
1632                                               ,	void function(void*)cleanup);
1634     /* @} */
1635 }
1637 __gshared {
1638     da_mpg123_init mpg123_init;
1639     da_mpg123_exit mpg123_exit;
1640     da_mpg123_new mpg123_new;
1641     da_mpg123_delete mpg123_delete;
1642     da_mpg123_param mpg123_param;
1643     da_mpg123_getparam mpg123_getparam;
1644     da_mpg123_feature mpg123_feature;
1645     da_mpg123_plain_strerror mpg123_plain_strerror;
1646     da_mpg123_strerror mpg123_strerror;
1647     da_mpg123_errcode mpg123_errcode;
1648     da_mpg123_decoders mpg123_decoders;
1649     da_mpg123_supported_decoders mpg123_supported_decoders;
1650     da_mpg123_decoder mpg123_decoder;
1651     da_mpg123_current_decoder mpg123_current_decoder;
1652     da_mpg123_rates mpg123_rates;
1653     da_mpg123_encodings mpg123_encodings;
1654     da_mpg123_encsize mpg123_encsize;
1655     da_mpg123_format_none mpg123_format_none;
1656     da_mpg123_format_all mpg123_format_all;
1657     da_mpg123_format mpg123_format;
1658     da_mpg123_format_support mpg123_format_support;
1659     da_mpg123_getformat mpg123_getformat;
1660     da_mpg123_open mpg123_open;
1661     da_mpg123_open_fd mpg123_open_fd;
1662     da_mpg123_open_handle mpg123_open_handle;
1663     da_mpg123_open_feed mpg123_open_feed;
1664     da_mpg123_close mpg123_close;
1665     da_mpg123_read mpg123_read;
1666     da_mpg123_feed mpg123_feed;
1667     da_mpg123_decode mpg123_decode;
1668     da_mpg123_decode_frame mpg123_decode_frame;
1669     da_mpg123_framebyframe_decode mpg123_framebyframe_decode;
1670     da_mpg123_framebyframe_next mpg123_framebyframe_next;
1671     da_mpg123_framedata mpg123_framedata;
1672     da_mpg123_framepos mpg123_framepos;
1673     da_mpg123_tell mpg123_tell;
1674     da_mpg123_tellframe mpg123_tellframe;
1675     da_mpg123_tell_stream mpg123_tell_stream;
1676     da_mpg123_seek mpg123_seek;
1677     da_mpg123_feedseek mpg123_feedseek;
1678     da_mpg123_seek_frame mpg123_seek_frame;
1679     da_mpg123_timeframe mpg123_timeframe;
1680     da_mpg123_index mpg123_index;
1681     da_mpg123_set_index mpg123_set_index;
1682     da_mpg123_position mpg123_position;
1683     da_mpg123_eq mpg123_eq;
1684     da_mpg123_geteq mpg123_geteq;
1685     da_mpg123_reset_eq mpg123_reset_eq;
1686     da_mpg123_volume mpg123_volume;
1687     da_mpg123_volume_change mpg123_volume_change;
1688     da_mpg123_info mpg123_info;
1689     da_mpg123_safe_buffer mpg123_safe_buffer;
1690     da_mpg123_scan mpg123_scan;
1691     da_mpg123_framelength mpg123_framelength;
1692     da_mpg123_length mpg123_length;
1693     da_mpg123_set_filesize mpg123_set_filesize;
1694     da_mpg123_tpf mpg123_tpf;
1695     da_mpg123_spf mpg123_spf;
1696     da_mpg123_clip mpg123_clip;
1697     da_mpg123_getstate mpg123_getstate;
1698     da_mpg123_init_string mpg123_init_string;
1699     da_mpg123_free_string mpg123_free_string;
1700     da_mpg123_resize_string mpg123_resize_string;
1701     da_mpg123_grow_string mpg123_grow_string;
1702     da_mpg123_copy_string mpg123_copy_string;
1703     da_mpg123_add_string mpg123_add_string;
1704     da_mpg123_add_substring mpg123_add_substring;
1705     da_mpg123_set_string mpg123_set_string;
1706     da_mpg123_set_substring mpg123_set_substring;
1707     da_mpg123_strlen mpg123_strlen;
1708     da_mpg123_chomp_string mpg123_chomp_string;
1709     da_mpg123_enc_from_id3 mpg123_enc_from_id3;
1710     da_mpg123_store_utf8 mpg123_store_utf8;
1711     da_mpg123_meta_check mpg123_meta_check;
1712     da_mpg123_meta_free mpg123_meta_free;
1713     da_mpg123_id3 mpg123_id3;
1714     da_mpg123_icy mpg123_icy;
1715     da_mpg123_icy2utf8 mpg123_icy2utf8;
1716     da_mpg123_parnew mpg123_parnew;
1717     da_mpg123_new_pars mpg123_new_pars;
1718     da_mpg123_delete_pars mpg123_delete_pars;
1719     da_mpg123_fmt_none mpg123_fmt_none;
1720     da_mpg123_fmt_all mpg123_fmt_all;
1721     da_mpg123_fmt mpg123_fmt;
1722     da_mpg123_fmt_support mpg123_fmt_support;
1723     da_mpg123_par mpg123_par;
1724     da_mpg123_getpar mpg123_getpar;
1725     da_mpg123_replace_buffer mpg123_replace_buffer;
1726     da_mpg123_outblock mpg123_outblock;
1727     da_mpg123_replace_reader mpg123_replace_reader;
1728     da_mpg123_replace_reader_handle mpg123_replace_reader_handle;
1729 }
1732 class DerelictMPG123Loader : SharedLibLoader {
1733     public this() {
1734         super(libNames);
1735     }
1737     protected override void loadSymbols()
1738     {
1739         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_init, "mpg123_init");
1740         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_exit, "mpg123_exit");
1741         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_new, "mpg123_new");
1742         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_delete, "mpg123_delete");
1743         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_param, "mpg123_param");
1744         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_getparam, "mpg123_getparam");
1745         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_feature, "mpg123_feature");
1746         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_plain_strerror, "mpg123_plain_strerror");
1747         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_strerror, "mpg123_strerror");
1748         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_errcode, "mpg123_errcode");
1749         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_decoders, "mpg123_decoders");
1750         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_supported_decoders, "mpg123_supported_decoders");
1751         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_decoder, "mpg123_decoder");
1752         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_current_decoder, "mpg123_current_decoder");
1753         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_rates, "mpg123_rates");
1754         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_encodings, "mpg123_encodings");
1755         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_encsize, "mpg123_encsize");
1756         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_format_none, "mpg123_format_none");
1757         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_format_all, "mpg123_format_all");
1758         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_format, "mpg123_format");
1759         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_format_support, "mpg123_format_support");
1760         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_getformat, "mpg123_getformat");
1761         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_open, "mpg123_open");
1762         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_open_fd, "mpg123_open_fd");
1763         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_open_handle, "mpg123_open_handle");
1764         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_open_feed, "mpg123_open_feed");
1765         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_close, "mpg123_close");
1766         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_read, "mpg123_read");
1767         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_feed, "mpg123_feed");
1768         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_decode, "mpg123_decode");
1769         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_decode_frame, "mpg123_decode_frame");
1770         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_framebyframe_decode, "mpg123_framebyframe_decode");
1771         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_framebyframe_next, "mpg123_framebyframe_next");
1772         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_framedata, "mpg123_framedata");
1773         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_framepos, "mpg123_framepos");
1774         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_tell, "mpg123_tell");
1775         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_tellframe, "mpg123_tellframe");
1776         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_tell_stream, "mpg123_tell_stream");
1777         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_seek, "mpg123_seek");
1778         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_feedseek, "mpg123_feedseek");
1779         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_seek_frame, "mpg123_seek_frame");
1780         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_timeframe, "mpg123_timeframe");
1781         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_index, "mpg123_index");
1782         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_set_index, "mpg123_set_index");
1783         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_position, "mpg123_position");
1784         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_eq, "mpg123_eq");
1785         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_geteq, "mpg123_geteq");
1786         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_reset_eq, "mpg123_reset_eq");
1787         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_volume, "mpg123_volume");
1788         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_volume_change, "mpg123_volume_change");
1789         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_info, "mpg123_info");
1790         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_safe_buffer, "mpg123_safe_buffer");
1791         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_scan, "mpg123_scan");
1792         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_framelength, "mpg123_framelength");
1793         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_length, "mpg123_length");
1794         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_set_filesize, "mpg123_set_filesize");
1795         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_tpf, "mpg123_tpf");
1796         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_spf, "mpg123_spf");
1797         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_clip, "mpg123_clip");
1798         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_getstate, "mpg123_getstate");
1799         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_init_string, "mpg123_init_string");
1800         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_free_string, "mpg123_free_string");
1801         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_resize_string, "mpg123_resize_string");
1802         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_grow_string, "mpg123_grow_string");
1803         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_copy_string, "mpg123_copy_string");
1804         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_add_string, "mpg123_add_string");
1805         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_add_substring, "mpg123_add_substring");
1806         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_set_string, "mpg123_set_string");
1807         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_set_substring, "mpg123_set_substring");
1808         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_strlen, "mpg123_strlen");
1809         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_chomp_string, "mpg123_chomp_string");
1810         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_enc_from_id3, "mpg123_enc_from_id3");
1811         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_store_utf8, "mpg123_store_utf8");
1812         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_meta_check, "mpg123_meta_check");
1813         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_meta_free, "mpg123_meta_free");
1814         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_id3, "mpg123_id3");
1815         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_icy, "mpg123_icy");
1816         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_icy2utf8, "mpg123_icy2utf8");
1817         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_parnew, "mpg123_parnew");
1818         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_new_pars, "mpg123_new_pars");
1819         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_delete_pars, "mpg123_delete_pars");
1820         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_fmt_none, "mpg123_fmt_none");
1821         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_fmt_all, "mpg123_fmt_all");
1822         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_fmt, "mpg123_fmt");
1823         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_fmt_support, "mpg123_fmt_support");
1824         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_par, "mpg123_par");
1825         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_getpar, "mpg123_getpar");
1826         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_replace_buffer, "mpg123_replace_buffer");
1827         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_outblock, "mpg123_outblock");
1828         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_replace_reader, "mpg123_replace_reader");
1829         bindFunc(cast(void**)&mpg123_replace_reader_handle, "mpg123_replace_reader_handle");
1830     }
1831 }
1834 __gshared DerelictMPG123Loader DerelictMPG123;
1836 shared static this() {
1837     DerelictMPG123 = new DerelictMPG123Loader();
1838 }